Confessions of a Chataholic

To confess a fault freely is the next thing to being innocent of it.

Catty Walk

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Danielle Staub

The show’s just barely begun and already Danielle is starting drama!  Good Lord!  What is wrong with that woman?  First of all, don’t ask your young daughter for advice on dealing with people.  You’re putting too much responsibility on her. You’re supposed to have ADULT friends to ask for advice, but oh wait, you run them all off with your constant gossiping and badmouthing.  If you want drama that bad, why don’t you become an actress?  At least you’ll be too busy working to be bothered to pester Jacqueline and Dina or worry about what Caroline and Teresa think of you.

“My marriage is more important to me than a friendship with Danielle.”

Well said Jacqueline.  I too, would put my  husband and children before a friendship with a woman who didn’t have any respect for me and was too self-absorbed to realize my life was just as important as hers.

RHONY has psychics…RHONJ has “energists”? What?  Basically, you’re using uncertified counselors to give you advice for stuff that’s common sense to the rest of us?    Dina, if you don’t like Danielle and you’re uncomfortable around her, just quit talking to her.  And if she continues to harass you, tell her point blank you don’t like being around her and why.  Feel free to be detailed in exactly why, too.  That’s the ONLY way to get rid of someone like Danielle.

I envy the other women their friendship…that kind of family and friendship isn’t common and they are fortunate to have each other.  I get the impression Danielle wants to be included because she doesn’t have anything like that in her life, but she’s has this aura about her that makes the other women uncomfortable to be with her.

Christine Staub

How incredible is it that 2 of the daughters were invited to walk the runway at Fashion Week?   Poor Gia, only 8 years old and having a meltdown ’cause daddy was mean.   Poor Christine, she’s got the opportunity of a lifetime and Danielle wants it for herself.   Get out of there old woman, you’re making your daughter uncomfortable.

We’re going to break and Danielle is saying she might have thrown up in her mouth a little bit when seeing her daughter on the runway…WHAT THE HECK?  This outta be interesting.  I’ve never felt that way before when my daughter was doing something special.  My heart would beat too fast and I’d be excited, but not to the point of “throwing up in my mouth a little”.  That’s usually what happens when you’re grossed out.  (Oh hurry and be over commercials..I gotta see this!)

First, Gia gets her moment and she’s absolutely adorable.  And Teresa, 9 months pregnant dressed in a sexy lil number and 3 inch heels.  Va Va Voom Mommy!

The “throw up in  my mouth” thing was simply Danielle in hysterics.  Again. Afterwards, she rambles about how she’s going to ride her daughter’s coattails (like Billy Ray Cyrus did with Miley) to Paris and Milan.   

Next week should be interesting…Teresa goes into labor!  I predict plenty of Teresaisms even better than puffy chuckies!

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